40 Hz ERP

40 Hz ERP

Estimate hearing thresholds at lower frequencies

The Integrityā„¢ V500 System 40 Hz ERP module facilitates the interpretation of hearing thresholds on awake patients over three years of age.

The 40 Hz ERP (40 Hertz Event-Related Potential) is an auditory evoked potential measurement used to estimate frequency-specific hearing thresholds, especially effective at lower frequencies such as 500 Hz and 1 kHz. It primarily represents mid-latency cortical response to a chirp stimulus modulated at 40 Hz.

This diagnostic measurement is simple, quick and objective providing valuable data for clinical decision-making.

Clinical Applications

  • Obtain reliable hearing thresholds for awake children (over 3 years) and adults
  • Augment ABR testing at low frequencies

How it Works

The Vivolinkā„¢ generates a chirp stimulus modulated at 40 Hz, with a choice of centre frequencies at 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz. The chirp compensates for the cochlear delays of the multiple frequency components that comprise each chirp. When the patient is awake, the response to the chirp, especially at lower frequencies, is significantly larger than the toneburst ABR response.