Awake / Non-Sedated ABR

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ABR equipment

Awake / Non-Sedated ABR

Maximize convenience and efficiency

The Integrity™ V500 System ABR module is able to measure auditory brainstem response in difficult clinical situations.

Auditory brainstem response is an objective electrophysiological test of the function and integrity of the auditory system from the inner ear to the brainstem. The electrical response starts in the inner ear and travels through the auditory nerve and balance nerve to the brainstem. The response is very small relative to myogenic EEG and is consequently very difficult to find using traditional equipment when patients are awake during testing.

The Integrity V500 System contains advanced technologies that reduce electric and magnetic interference, and facilitate recording ABR in children even when they are awake. Awake ABR utilizes all of the unique capabilities of Vivosonic advanced technologies including the patented Amplitrode®, SOAP™ Adaptive Processing, and VivoLink™ Wireless Recording Technology.

Clinical Applications

  • Hearing screening of newborns Read more
  • Estimating hearing levels of difficult-to-test patients including those with developmental delays, autism, infants, and small children
  • Evaluating patients with suspected retro-cochlear pathology
  • Evaluating patients with Ménière’s Disease or similar disorders
  • Diagnosis of Auditory Neuropathy/Dyssynchrony

How it Works

The Amplitrode® pre-filters and amplifies the ABR at the recording site to minimize the effects of surrounding electrical and magnetic interference, electrophysiological artifacts, and motion artifacts from electrode leads.

Patented signal processing algorithms, SOAP™ Adaptive Processing (SNR-Optimized Adaptive Processing), adapt to the characteristics and level of noise to reduce the myogenic and electromagnetic interference in the responses.

The VivoLink™ wireless recording technology records the ABR and sends the data wirelessly, up to a distance of 30 feet (10 meters) away, to the computer for further processing.

Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD)

The video shows the averaging process for a click-ABR in a NICU patient with ANSD. The Vivosonic Integrity V500 System allows the audiologist to send rarefaction- and condensation-responses to separate memory bins to identify the cochlear microphonic. Note that the ongoing raw activity contains considerable muscle artifact as well as periodic electrical interference, but the averaged response is quite clean.